create icons to shutdown your computer.

This program called SHUTDOWN.EXE which allows you to easily create icons to shutdown your computer.
To create a shutdown shortcut on the desktop:

1. Right click on an open area of the desktop
2. Select New / Shortcut
3. Enter in "shutdown -s -t 00" - no quotes 

4. Press the Next button
switches you can use:
-s  :shuts down the PC
-l  :logs off current user
-t (enter time in sec) :indicates the duration of delay, in seconds
-c "message text" :Displays a message in the System Shutdown Window.
-f :forces any running app's to close
-x :reboots the PC

For the name, enter in anything you like. I just use shutdown. Click on the Finish button.
note: its not a hack its a trick with which you can play prank on your friends or someone else.

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